How can they be so dumb? Who could have manipulated people into believing what is obviously a load of garbage, dreamed up by men?!
I'll tell you who: Satan. The devil invented science, by my research, in around 3000BC. Since then, people like the Greeks and Romans and the Greco-Romans have practiced this wizardry, under the guise of logical thought processes. God doesn't want you to use logic, he wants you to use the Bible! I mean, it says it right there in the Bible! How much more evidence could you possibly need?
So, scientists fall into one of two categories:
Category A: The Fools
- -believe because they've been tricked
- -can be brought back to Jesus if you try hard
- -doesn't realize he's doing satan's work
- -knows he works for satan
- -wants you to work for satan
- -wants you to burn in hell
- -willfully ignores the evidence of god
- -is likely a homosexual or other pervert
So, when you confront a scientist, you can ask him about his beliefs (he'll call them facts). But it's useless, because you know what he believes: that satan is the real god and science is satan's illusion used to trick you into following him. And that's what scientists are all about: using bad logic to trick you into believing the load of BS that they believe!
I'm finishing up some research right now on the sound that rain makes, and will try to post something about my research into rain shortly. The blog's still new, so I'm still working on things! God bless!
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