
Elitist Scientists and Their God, Evidence

Shortly before closing the old blog, I received this in an e-mail:

"Kyle, you are the biggest idiot to have ever existed. You are either yanking our collective chain, or you are ignorant to an extent which pains me. Because, you see, there is this little thing we in the science world call 'evidence,' though I'm sure you're unfamiliar with the term. This is when we make observations and draw conclusions based from these. To test our conclusions, we make predictions and then see if we were right. Your method of science is to make a rash assumption, call the Bible evidence, and post it for everyone to see."

I won't pain you with the rest of the e-mail, which is an exercise in complete and utter ignorance. To answer his question (I'm sure it's a guy, almost all scientists and science-wannabes are guys acting on homo-erotic impulses), I'm neither. I'm certainly not an idiot, I have years of theological training including 6 years at a highly respected seminary, and was taught the Bible (KJV ONLY!) from the time I could understand it.

I know about science and its "evidence," but I also know that the only evidence I need is in my heart. Jesus dwells there, and it is He who tells me that science, from its inception, has been a tool of Satan to turn young minds away from the Creator.

Your "god" is empirical, but mine is divine.

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