
Satan's In Your Living Room #2

Yes, Old Scratch is still living in that idiot-box in your living room.


You know, watching the weatherman "forecast" or "foretell" the weather may seem rather innocent, but it's a lot like denying God and Jesus. In Genesis 2:5, just before we learn of our own creation as men, we learn that:
"...the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth..."
Of course, this passage has the implication that God had not made it rain yet, but there's no question in what this phrase tells us: God makes it rain, when He chooses, and doesn't heed the soothsayings of the weatherman. God knows you don't need the weatherman.

Staying on topic, when you put your trust in the devil and his workers rather than in the LORD Jesus Christ, you are denying Jesus and denying his precious gift of being saved from an eternity in hell. Don't be like Peter and deny Jesus thrice before the cock crows: at 5pm, 6pm and 11pm.


Meteorology Will Always Be Wrong

Thanks to Charly.


Elitist Scientists and Their God, Evidence

Shortly before closing the old blog, I received this in an e-mail:

"Kyle, you are the biggest idiot to have ever existed. You are either yanking our collective chain, or you are ignorant to an extent which pains me. Because, you see, there is this little thing we in the science world call 'evidence,' though I'm sure you're unfamiliar with the term. This is when we make observations and draw conclusions based from these. To test our conclusions, we make predictions and then see if we were right. Your method of science is to make a rash assumption, call the Bible evidence, and post it for everyone to see."

I won't pain you with the rest of the e-mail, which is an exercise in complete and utter ignorance. To answer his question (I'm sure it's a guy, almost all scientists and science-wannabes are guys acting on homo-erotic impulses), I'm neither. I'm certainly not an idiot, I have years of theological training including 6 years at a highly respected seminary, and was taught the Bible (KJV ONLY!) from the time I could understand it.

I know about science and its "evidence," but I also know that the only evidence I need is in my heart. Jesus dwells there, and it is He who tells me that science, from its inception, has been a tool of Satan to turn young minds away from the Creator.

Your "god" is empirical, but mine is divine.

Satan's In Your Living Room

It's true: Satan's in your living room — on your television.

Would you like to meet him? It's easy. Just wait until around 12 or 13 minutes after 6PM, then flip the channel to the local news. That guy, standing in front of the map, gesticulating wildly, is an avatar of Satan.

God wants you to believe in Him and trust his divine plan, not the random soothsayings of an obvious deviant.


Some Brief Thoughts On Rain

In life there are two choices: you can either please God or make God sad.

What are our responses to these two emotions? Tears.

And that's what rain is. God's tears. He is weeping for the way we have treated this great country of America that He gave to us. He is weeping for the children, being taught that his weeping is a natural phenomenon. He is weeping for sinners, doomed to suffer for eternity.

"But, Kyle, what about the righteous among us?"

In those cases, they're obviously tears of joy raining upon us. We should delight at the blessings of Jesus, and the wonderful ways in which God works. Man must put the nonsense of "science" behind him and embrace the wonders of God's universe, including his tears which fall to us as rain.

"But, Kyle, why doesn't rain taste like tears?"

Because God, in his infinite glory, does not excrete urea. This is why the silly explanations of rain as "God's Pee-Pee" are easily proven false. God would never defecate, nor urinate. All that is in God is holy and good, not foul and odorous. To even suggest that our Father would emit such disgusting fluids is borderline-blasphemous.

These theories on rain are not new. In 1284AD, St. Vincent Vignolini was the first to insist that rain is the tears of God. This had previously been a commonly accepted belief but, upon submission, Vignolini was subjected to heated debates within the religious community. Some thought that the rain was from above the firmament, and was slowly dissipating due to God's displeasure with us. Giavonni Vignolini, St. Vincent's own grandson, was the first to suggest (in 1344AD) that the empyting of God's bladder was the cause. Giavonni was succinctly, and rightfully, put to death for his outrageous claims.

Today, we have more than mere gut instincts to tell us where the rain comes from. We have the evidence, given to us in the form of a rainbow. This rainbow was a promise from God, to never cry that much again. He had become upset at the sins of man, and cried out of his love for them. Other times, God has cried his rain upon us as gentle reminders of his love, or to show his pleasure.

As with the old blog, Jesus Invented The Internet, I've already had some comments come through (you won't see them, they've been moderated) claiming that I'm either poking fun at religion or that I'm some type of strange fundamentalist weirdo. Well, if believe God's Holy Word and knowing that only He can understand sciences (He made them!) makes you a weirdo, then that's what I am.

Why Should We Torture Scientists?

I get asked a lot:

"Kyle, why do you advocate the torture of scientists?"

And I reply:

"Because it works."

It's been proven that, provided with adequate time, a skilled torturer can make any scientists recant their superstitions about "science" and accept Jesus as a personal savior.

"But, Kyle, that's not what Jesus taught. We're supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves."

Exactly. If I were a doomed sinner, repeating my lies of science to innocent school-children, without knowing better, I would definitely want someone to intercede and get me to convert to Christianity to save my soul. No amount of torture on this world can outweigh the torture I would receive in Hell. So, it would be worth it. It's done out of love.

"But what if the person is strong-willed and doesn't convert?"

At least God will see how hard we tried.

The Idiocy of Gravity

Let's say you believed in worldly magic. Well, if you believe in gravity, you do!

Gravity is a "theory" that basically says that large things attract smaller things. It is supposedly the explanation of up and down, because the earth is bigger than us and we are attracted to it. For some reason, I'm not surprised that these environmentalist scientists want to be attracted to the earth, they sure do seem to love it a lot (why don't they marry it?).

This theory is bogus and has never been proven. I've never "seen" gravity. What I know is what I see. Up is up because God made it up. Down is down because God made it down. It is silly to insist that big things attract smaller things... if that were the case, I'd still be stuck to my fat older brother!

But people have bought this one hook, line and sinker. Never mind the fact that Isaac Newton thought he could perform alchemy, or that he had a serious head injury at the time of his "inspiration," just the idea of gravity itself is something to be scared of.

There is no good reason to believe that some force bigger than we are has some sort of responsibility for where we are, or what happens to us. It's STUPID!

Why Do You Moderate Comments?

As with the old blog, I am instituting a policy of moderating comments. Darwinists and scientists flocked to the old blog, and would fill the comments with "rationalizations" and "facts." Well, I don't have time for either, so if you post a comment, make sure it doesn't look too "sciencey" or I will not allow it. In other words, I am instituting the same policy as Uncommon Descent.

Outsiders who come to my blog and try to post their Darwinist/Meteorologist propaganda can look forward to not seeing their comments on my posts. If you have a criticism, make sure it is valid before you post it, because I will not allow invalid criticisms. These include criticisms of the Bible (you can't criticize it, it's impossible) or criticisms of my research, which is done in a matter consistent with God's teachings.

People should have learned by now that freedom is a gift from God, and He didn't give you the freedom to tell Him what you think, because God made you think it. I don't need you to tell me what God told you to think about me.

Why Does Science Lie?

Everyone who knows me from my old blog, Jesus Invented The Internet, recognizes that I find all science equally offensive. Sure, the weather thing bothers me a bit more on some levels, but I still find it repugnant that people, in this day and age, can actually believe they're smarter than God!

How can they be so dumb? Who could have manipulated people into believing what is obviously a load of garbage, dreamed up by men?!

I'll tell you who: Satan. The devil invented science, by my research, in around 3000BC. Since then, people like the Greeks and Romans and the Greco-Romans have practiced this wizardry, under the guise of logical thought processes. God doesn't want you to use logic, he wants you to use the Bible! I mean, it says it right there in the Bible! How much more evidence could you possibly need?

So, scientists fall into one of two categories:

Category A: The Fools
  1. -believe because they've been tricked
  2. -can be brought back to Jesus if you try hard
  3. -doesn't realize he's doing satan's work
Category B: The Deceivers
  1. -knows he works for satan
  2. -wants you to work for satan
  3. -wants you to burn in hell
  4. -willfully ignores the evidence of god
  5. -is likely a homosexual or other pervert

So, when you confront a scientist, you can ask him about his beliefs (he'll call them facts). But it's useless, because you know what he believes: that satan is the real god and science is satan's illusion used to trick you into following him. And that's what scientists are all about: using bad logic to trick you into believing the load of BS that they believe!

I'm finishing up some research right now on the sound that rain makes, and will try to post something about my research into rain shortly. The blog's still new, so I'm still working on things! God bless!

What Science Tells You About Rain

We are supposed to believe, according to "science", that rain is some type of natural process. Water evaporates (or as I like to say, magically disappears) into clouds and when the rain condenses (or as I like to say, magically reappears), it falls from the clouds.

That is the most unbelievable hunk of BS I have ever heard! That science accepts it, and that schoolchildren are taught it, is extremely unreasonable.

Supposedly, "meteorologists" can study the atmosphere and make prophecies about what kind of weather we can get. Well, scientists love their empirical evidence, and I have some for them: our local weathermen is WRONG more than he is RIGHT! Heck, I could guess if it was going to rain and do as good as this guy. He calls himself a prophet, but he's always wrong!

"Science" has a lot of stupid things to say, and rain is only one of them. Stay tuned as I'll use evidence and the Bible to prove they're wrong! about this and other things!!

Welcome to Weeping Deity

Hello, brothers in Christ!

I have setup this website in an attempt to help dispel some of the myths and bad science surrounding the ways in which our world works.

First and foremost among these is the "theory" that rain is some type of evaporated water than is released from the "clouds" when certain conditions are met. This scientific blasphemy is easily proven incorrect by my Lord God Jehovah!

Stay tuned to see more details, including advanced scientific analysis of current theories concerning gravity and light and other fantastical dreams thought up by atheist scientists!