
Evolving a Soul

One of the bits of scientific research that I've had to slowly accept over the years is the theory of evolution. There was simply too much evidence in its favor — but that doesn't mean it's not in God's favor. What an ingenuous way of creating life!

But I was thinking, just the other night, about the horrible implications of evolution. First, there is an unseen force called "NATURAL SELECTION" that goes around killing all the weaker, dumber animals. Last time I checked, that force was called "THE ANGEL OF DEATH" and he works for the Big Man Upstairs. There's one dilemma solved.

Then another dilemma hit me, one that I am still trying to work out. If man evolved from a lower form, did we at some point 'evolve' a soul? Or will every creature in the lineage of our species also be in heaven? I just don't want to be in heaven with a bunch of Neanderthals. I think I have figured it out, though. At some point, man evolved a soul — it obviously has the awesome characteristic of immortality that the Holy Spirit would have to select for. Below, I've presented a diagram of when I think this occurred. Your comments, if they are agreeable, are welcomed.

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